Thursday, September 25, 2008


as i entered the 21st century i had so much hope that our health care system would be addressed and the government would set their priorities straight. we heard over and over as our politicians assured us and reassured us that all americans would benefit from health care, it definitely was time for elections and of course we heard things that were pleasing to our ears, however time has only revealed that these were empty promises that drew us to the only things that was important to our appointed officials our vote... again we come around to elections however things have changed and this time around health care is in the back burner... relying on the public health care system can be frustrating to say the very least, and after endless paperwork and various interviews your awarded some type of benefit which puts you in the scale of a 3rd class citizen... unfortunately i had to plug into there's services only because i'm sick and need to be seen constantly by a professional but how professional are these people that are giving me care? as you've seen you can imagine by a post i titled the ill doctor, which leaves me now to say i've been blessed, truly blessed... navigating thru the system i was fortunate enough to receive services thru a small yet very efficient clinic "family health center" truly it lives up to its name since the moment you walk in there you feel like family. my primary care physician Dr. Noel de Jesus Fernandez has really given me the opportunity to see things in a different light, his care and compassion supersedes anything that has ever been provided to me. his understanding and apparent desire to make a difference is remarkably evident and it makes a world of difference in my well being, the relationship between doctor and patient should be one of trust and comfort but that does not come easy these days, his knowledge does not make him distant on the very contrary very approachable, his ability to listen and understand your concerns empowers you and gives you a sense of being part of a team... i'm sure that the advances in medicine and the medicines in its self make a difference in my health however i am positive that the relationship that i have with my dr plays a substantial role in my recovery. to my dr i thank you, i thank you for choosing the profession in which you were truly destine for and all my well wishes to you sir,may you be enlighten by the continuous advances in medicine to do what you do best...

1 comment:

michelle huey said...

I know what you are saying about our health care system. I am lucky that I can get group insurance through my company, but what happens if I lose my job? I take meds for depression and anxiety. I could no longer afford the prescriptions and would probably go out of my mind, because believe me, I have tried to come off of this stuff!
I like your posts. You are real. You write straight from the heart. I noticed you haven't posted in a while-get back to it as soon as you can. I know how healing it is! I hope you are well. MiMi

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