Tuesday, July 22, 2008


so as i'm here recuperating from all of this dilemma following directions to the tee, hardly even sleeping since the meds are every 5 hours trying to be stress free to avoid further damage to myself, today the hospital bill arrives!!! $10,900.00 plus. STRESS big time. so i look over this here freaking bill that i know there is no way in heaven that i can pay in a lifetime and with the care and diagnosis i got at that hospital i just might have only scratched the surface. $1,689.00 for parking and simply walking in(e.r. general) $1404.40 lab work(to tell me what i didn't have) $966.00 chest x-ray(went in with abdominal pain) $2,278.00 pelvic c- ct(remember i have the shingles) $401.00 ekg(hello i have the shingles people) $6,338.40----$6,338.40 for driving up to the hospital telling them i'm in pain and them performing test to tell me what i don't have"wow" ok no problem i must still be under the influence of that there dilaudid that was injected in my system. the total bill is $10,993.90 if i subtract all this nonsense of $6,338.40 there is a remaining balance of $4,655.50. but get this the hospital is providing an adjustment of $$4,385.56 leaving a unresolved balance of $239.94 i can live with that. now you do the math. see what i mean? now the question is will their billing dept? wish me luck!

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