Friday, July 4, 2008


at a time in my life that i was a bit more spiritual i would tend to ask god for strength and tolerance so i could deal with all the things that were coming my way. no matter how much i'd ask, pray, plead, or bargain, things would spiral and get out of control i would encounter such circumstances that i would have so many questions and such little answers but still i'd pray and ask for strength and tolerance and hope to believe that god was watching and listening and my prayers would be answered i felt confused and alone, i'd wonder if it's that i'm not such a good person and that's why i'm still in this predicament, i just didn't know i thought that i was being punished, doomed, cursed; and i was, but only to myself i realized that although many mistakes later i'm not such a bad person and even if i feel alone i'm not cause there's this good person that never leaves my completely alone, that these predicament's are a part of life that i must experience, and the curse can always be broken today i pray: god give me the knowledge show me the answers let me be weak and humble instill in me love and understanding with your love and understanding provide this weak and humble soul the answers and knowledge to face my reality and make the best of it my prayers were answered when i was asking for strength and tolerance; but today i'm a bit more careful as what to pray for, do i need all that strength should i have so much tolerance or do i want knowledge and answers, love and understanding?


The Cool Commentator said...

hi again! i enjoyed reading that post, very deep. I hope everthing is okay with you at the moment. My cousins son has asperges syndrome so in some sense I can understand the things you might go through, but maybe not to the same extent.

Thanks for ready the story! glad you are enjoying it!

The Reluctant Dreamer said... first I was thinking...why would she ask God for her to be weak?? But believe me. I now get it. We have to be careful what we pray for because if we pray for strength most likely he will give us situations in order to build our strength. I totally get it.

Pheng said...

I was wondering the same why praying for weakness. The above comment is clearing out my doubt :) Being spiritual can heal a person emotionally, and I am glad you are one of those that can find something to help yourself. For me, writing positive thing on blog is what helps me the most from looking at life and living in it.

The Cool Commentator said...

Hey there! Hope you are well and still enjoying blogging!! I have been away from my blog for almost a week now but I am back!

I have just written Chapter 3 - Part 1 and got it up on the blog, so come over and catch up with Jack and Stephanie.

I will stop by and read your recent posts when i get the chance! :) Look forward to hearing what you think of the next installment!!!

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