Sunday, June 1, 2008


Well hello there people, hope you all had a good relaxing weekend.I personally am glad that tomorrow is Monday. I love Mondays truly, you see it is the beginning of our work week school week or whatever functions you might partake in its the beginning believe me.
So if I wake up with positive thoughts and take care of myself be it meditation, prayer, or just trying to beat the clock, staying positive will allow me to see things in a different light be more objective as well as aware of my surroundings, in essence it GROUNDS you. Tomorrow I will be driving to the hospital where one of my children recently had NEURO SURGERY and we are going for a follow up visit, I will be meeting him there you see he is currently placed in a residential facility to address awhole array of issues that have been going on, surgery was kind of my last hope to see a change but when my child came home after surgery and started banging his head against the wall my whole world crumbled. And to that you can add physically trying to attack me, did I mention that my son is 6ft 2ins tall and weighs over 300lbs. You know despite all of that its going to be a great day gee a great week. I visited my son today as a matter of fact his twin brother 'Cristian' was able to come visit him they hadn't seen each other for over 3 1/2 months; the visit was truly some what miraculous you know the kinda way you would like brothers to be and to behave , well you know that kinda thing I was touched as was i impressed. These kids never got along EVER!! To see them shake hands and embrace each other, well that's just it right there. All the effort all the time, stress and sleepless nights were worth it just for that single moment. A moment that I will embrace and frame in my memories. After the doctors visit Cristian and I will be headed out to a court hearing for a MARCH MAN ACT resolution hearing; You see Cristian has been dipping and dabbing and despite my efforts to counsel him seek social services he choose to continue in that path a path that I know well, a path that I so don't want him to take. But tomorrow will be new will be wonderful will be exciting not only for me but I hope that for you to ...

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