Saturday, June 28, 2008


As I visited my son Cory today I realized that we as a family are on the verge of a breakthrough, I noticed that his facial expressions were correct with his mood which I must mention was pleasant. I am starting to see the results of this residential placement, its been 3 plus months that Cory has been gone and I have gone thru the emotional roller coaster as I would think that any parent in my shoes would feel. However I believe that it has not been in vain. Today I feel that the system is not failing my child this all seems new to me since I've been in this predicament for years and years, seeking services that I've believed my child needs however the system would not allow it. Different things need to occur prior to a child receiving the much needed help they deserve , to give them a chance to succeed in life. Sometimes things escalate to such extreme that I wonder if we are being just to our children Why must we wait til our children are in such desperate circumstances to act and in some cases react(baker acts, exparte, pc, jail) None of this happened in one day there are tons of documentation that reflects the cry for help that this child so desperately is showing and it seems that they fall on deaf ears. The system is also very overwhelming and one needs much tolerance to deal as if one didn't have enough on their plate. I recall those school meetings where an entourage of folks, teachers, psychologist, therapists, principals would gather to discuss the issues at hand, yes most definitely there are issues however the solutions to me are questionable, why,well if the issues are long lasting 7 or 8 years then the effectiveness of the solution is questionable. In some form or other all that was brought up, but will be placed in the back burner. An IEP is developed for your child with the same services but different wording, what good does that do, and then if you step on some toes be prepared to get the calls, take time off work for the meetings that are scheduled that i have experienced to last up to 3 hours of course no one on the table is complaining well they are on the clock uh! So now I can say that the meetings are not as long but yet effective in every sense of the word. The treatment plan is not as elaborate but and the wording might be simple but boy is it working. So could all of the pain and frustration have been eliminate if those crys for help could have been properly understood? Who's to know. One thing I must acknowledge is that all though we've reached that service that is going to make a world of difference that's going to allow my child to experience the difference in his world, the journey was tough and exhausting, and all along its common sense...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say my heart goes out to you
keep on writing i'll be reading

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