Wednesday, July 30, 2008


so i find myself searching for answers and trying to cope with a lot and i realize once again just how blessed i am and how much i love life. its awkward how when we are faced with difficulties regarding our health we embrace life and try to grab it by the horns or at least i feel that way. living with a disease that slowly debilitates you can most certainly alter any ones life it has to i've changed my ways and managed to defy the odds and it just so happen that i was just fine for the longest leaving my disease on the back burner and not letting that be the center of attention in my life, but recently i've been feeling ill and know that i must address this but really i'm scared i'm frightened while receiving treatment for the recent outbreak of the shingles i enrolled in a clinic to start managing this and met my doctor, i must say that i will dedicate a full blog to him. doc says i'm not well i really don't have a lot to play with and he shows concern explains the pros and cons and suggest i be on medication. i put things in perspective and agree to start a regimen that requires a whole lot of commitment. the medications are really strong the effects are not the best but i'm confident that my body will respond in time to them and slowly the effects will diminish, but every day i have this reminder and i've been there before and it made me angry, angry that i was sick and had to deal with this this also played a part in me not being compliant with treatment. years later i'm in the same predicament but choose to see the blessings of life... i'm scared but i'm safe i'm weak but i'm strong i'm frighten but i'm not alone i realize that i am a soldier a survivor and a true warrior, i will fight this that and every thing that comes my way...

1 comment:

The Cool Commentator said...


Hope you are well, I am kind of back after a bit of a break!! I am going to try and take some time later to read over the new posts on your blog!!

Chapter Three - Part 2 is up on the blog now so if you have a minute, go and have a read! Would be great to know what you think!!

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

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