Wednesday, July 23, 2008


yesterday as i was preparing dinner there's a knock on the door, it was loud and hard, i kind of jumped and instantly entered the defensive mood. as i walk towards the door i think that i must have thought of hundreds of scenarios that could be. when i get to the door i was in shock, i was stunned and for a moment disappointed. it was my daughter nicole, i was shocked because i hadn't seen her in about a year and a half and i was disappointed because we were not at our best. i opened the door, immediately she hollered mom; i kind of spaced out and then thought let me just ride this out and see; i welcomed her in and we spoke briefly, she asked questions and i answered i tried really hard to stay focused on the here and now and in the reason why this is happening in this precise moment, i know that nicole has struggled thru out her life and she might well be in a bind but i don't want to ask i don't want to give opinions i can't, been there done that and it doesn't work we don't see eye to eye so i give her a card with my number and become accessible to her again and i guess that then i'll try to work on this as it comes up we have a lot of baggage that has just sat there and i don't see any sense in trying to rehash because its done its over so i will live and let live, forgive to be forgiven, and provide the support a parent can give to an adult child

1 comment:

The Reluctant Dreamer said...

I hope things work out for you two and I know the conflicting thoughts that must be going through your head. I was once on the other mother and I had a hard time staying close and communicating although I don't know what you and your daughter has been through I know it wasn't pretty for ma and my mother at first and at times although we are a whole lot better I think we will never be close...I wish you two well.

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