Friday, August 8, 2008


so i haven't been around to writing i guess you can say i'm a bit depressed with all thats going on but that does not, should not stop me from LIVING... so how am i living now a days that things don't look so honky dory, well that's the same kind of question i ask myself quite a bit on a daily basis... so i treat myself to stuff that at another time i would leave for tomorrow and of course naturally i cannot do it all nor do i expect that but its become important to hear those chirping sounds ah so early in the morning while i sip my coffee and feel the warmth of summer on my face i gaze over to see some lizards just hanging out, i take a shower and put on that bath oil i've saved for a special occasion, put make-up make sure that i'm tidy and off to work. on my drive to work i listen to the music full blast and sing along (with the windows down gee i don't care)once i'm there i greet everyone that i pass offer a free smile and a happy hello. i try really hard to complete my duties at work come home and prepare exactly what it is i want to eat(i'm a bit picky) and enjoy and savor each and every bite. for right now this to me is living being good to myself without hurting my pocket,i do want to start walking and i want to go to a play or two and of course get into that dreaded closet of mine and clear it out... soon cris will be off to hopefully get better an then i'll have less stressful days and nights and i can reconnect with myself, i've kind of gotten lost with the hustle and busle of all these problems and i don't want that to be the center of my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi,body good for you. It is good to see you cleaning the windows. Eso es bueno chiquitica y muy valiente.
"All for one and one for all"(Esta bien escrito, no se ). Somos los Mosqueteros modernos.
Go, go, do not stop, never stop because your battery will be working for a long, long, long time and it is my hope to be around you and together fixing this world
Tu socio

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