Monday, August 18, 2008


most of us do house work either we're single or have a family there are responsibilities that must be addressed. we dust sweep mop clean sterilize wash and fold and i can go on and on about this subject. we bathe and groom ourselves make sure we dress accordingly and splash on some perfume before we head out the door. i particularly like doing these things on a daily basis maybe at one point more than i should for issues unknown which leads me to this... internal housekeeping. am i keeping a clean house? what needs to be dusted off swept and polished and are there things that can be stored away and others toss out as garbage? ABSO-FREAKING-LUTLY!!! i try hard to have some sort of sanity in my life and i think that the only way i'm able to do that is looking at those things that sometimes we hold on to that in the long run hurt us, hey i'm not saying forget everything but i think that we should pick and chose our battles,doing so allows me not to carry certain sentiments that more than likely are not good for me, all my life i've carried a bundle of stuff that holds me back correction i hold myself back so since i want to move forward i must brush off the guilt and shame associated with my past and use that to my advantage, i recognize that i have a gift, a gift that i can share and pass along, if i don't do this then all that i've learn thru tough lessons are practically in vain, so i polish my abilities and from time to time i must confess that i do stroke myself... whats wrong with that its part of being good to yourself well as long as it doesn't go to your head i suppose. i try to keep resentment out of my heart and if i can't forgive more than likely i'll forget im ok with which ever comes first. i must say i have an advantage over some cause i don't have a good memory. ha that's a pro for me! i have no vacancies in my head for petty bs nor do i allow anyone to live there rent free... we hear a lot "there are things that are better left unsaid" it could be so but what the hell do you do with that, write yep write it down express yourself let it go. you know i've written letters to myself at times we are angry at ourselves and what better way to call me on my stuff that in writing, this might sound awkward but reality is that there are tons of folks that are walking around just as miserable as can be and you know what the true problem is within. yeah yeah we can say countless excuses for this and that but only internal housekeeping can maximize there potential in life and ultimately provide a sense of well, wellness. so on a daily basis its important for me to do this housekeeping so i can feel comfortable with me in my skin, there are days that the task is simple but there are days where we have to really get to the nitty gritty before the funk wreaks. there's nothing more rewarding,soothing and relaxing than coming home to a clean and organized good home, uh. yep i feel that way about me and my home, i'll tackle my car tomorrow

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