Monday, July 14, 2008


today i'm appalled frustrated and disgusted!!! after spending the weekend in and out of the hospital i learn a tough lesson: if you don't like what you do QUIT. i was experiencing pain during the week that at one point or another thought that i could tolerate however as the week progressed i noticed that the pain was a bit more than i could handle; so i called my primary physician and was instructed to come in on Monday and if the pain was intolerable to go to the emergency room. Friday night the pain was at a level that i was squirming and decided to go to the e.r. my pain was in the right side of my abdomen close to the liver, gall bladder etc. several test were performed of which all came back negative, of course there was a relief, however the pain was real and there must be a reason, the doctor agreed to perform a cat scan that revealed gastritis i was given pain medication that was awful; i felt dizzy, hot, nauseated, hallucinated, and felt creepy crawlies on my skin, i was tripping it was horrendous, i don't ever want to feel that way,i had no control over my speech, all i could think of was how i wanted control of my body. the effects passed and i was sent home with instructions, and if symptoms persisted that i should return. about 3 a.m. Sunday morning the pain had reached an intolerable level and i was throwing up so i returned to the e.r. there i met DR. JOHN D. MARSHALL attending physician at MERCY HOSPITAL. to try to make things simpler i provided all the documentation of my discharge along with the test results. the dr. walked in and stated that i had nothing i'm trying to explain that the symptoms worsened and that's why i'm retuning and the pain is to great for me to handle also i pointed out that the medication that was given to me the night before was way to strong and that i did not assimilate it well.i explain to him as well that i was in recovery for 17 years and would like some pain relief in the synthetic field. his arrogance and lack of professionalism caused him to say to me "i'm going to give you pain medication but don't come back here are we clear" clear i was that he was a miserable son of a bitch that passed judgement and his opinions or beliefs did not allow for me to receive what i was seeking MEDICAL ATTENTION. when i got home i wanted to shower and i asked for assistance and was told that i had blisters on my back, i took a bath and looked at my back it was full of a rash, shingles was my guess. i spent all of Sunday in increasing pain and with that bastards statement well i grinned and beared it. today finally came, i was diagnosed with the shingles just looking at it was suffice! it had ruptured and had taken over a pretty large area in my back and crawled its way to the front side of my body, the shingles reproduces itself quick. well all of this could have been avoided if this so called dr would have taken the time to look and search for what was wrong i'm blessed that despite the severity of the shingles and how they reproduced in such a short time there is a cure! i don't think doc has a cure for what he's got

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