Friday, July 18, 2008


working in the mental health field for over 16 years i feel that i have been exposed to some knowledge of certain types of medications and their effects and side effects, not only psychotropic meds but all in general most of the times our clients manage to have other medical issues going on, and as their case managers well that's where we learn due to our involvement. so now this care giver is requiring care herself which mind you is a bit difficult for me to swallow since i am so independent and controlling but god willing only for a couple of days!! i'm under medical attention and obviously under medication one of which i would like to place an ALERT on; VICODIN or it's generic equivalent: BEWARE this was given to me for pain, mind you yes the shingles are painful but i'm really not sure that i needed such a potent drug. i took the pill as prescribed thank god i was home at not alone. it was at bedtime and but 15 mins later when i went to lay down i felt dizzy i rested my head on on unrecognized object and grabbed the sheets to hold on to the bed the whole room was spinning and a hot sensation thru my body that was weird i knew i was entering a place that i did not want to travel, i was tripping!!! the next day with pain i thought that i could cut the pill in half and see how that would go; well here's the problem the pain ceased yes but i got a buzz, you know that i feel good sensation, yep im okay... why why why do these pharmaceutical multimillion dollar company allow that. are they banking on our addiction to their products?? look you can't seek something you don't find. if i find a buzz in a medication well the addict in me is gonna want more. what is this chemical, and is it necessary for us to get better or is it for them to get RICH? i know that right now i'm not in the disposition to fight this especially since i'm under their spell, numb lips and all but it sure is something that can easily turn around someones life and mess it up; their are millions of people out their addicted to prescription medication that one day simply went to the doctor for an ailment and HUALA before they know it that i feel good kicks in and their doomed. so what i'm saying is be strong,stay positive,be good to yourself; and if you still require such care get educated!!!

1 comment:

Steve said...

yea i see what you mean. when i got my wisdom teeth removed, they gave me percacet. i was supposed to take like 1 for pain. i was poppin 2. damn things made everything nice...dangerous stuff

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