Monday, June 9, 2008


Wow its been a while now and for those pessimist NO it actually has been quite nice despite. After some time now i have been able to see a shimmer of light far far away but you know i see it, and i must say that's a good thing. My son is in some form or other shedding those intolerable behaviors and is seeing possibilities for himself ; how great is that! I see how he is inquiring about his family and as normal as that may sound to you,to some,to all,is has not been our norm... It would be very interesting living a so called normal life, one that might not have those gotta run and save my family moments, you know i know I'm far from that and can't even fathom the thought of obtaining that kind of lifestyle but for what its worth i must say that i am truly blessed that i have had a vision. A vision of hope to hang on to a true desire to succeed in making it clear to my children just how important it is to stay true to yourself, to believe that life is a journey and lots of times we pick and chose our destinations. Hopefully they will grasp some of this mumbo jumbo that i toss out to them and realize that they what to travel and fill there minds with the great souvenirs that life can give knowledge and experience, love and laughter, hope and desire. For today i continue to strive , i hang on to hope and wait for the endless possibilities that these children can accomplish

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