Monday, June 16, 2008


At this stage in the game boy does it feel good to be in the position of being able to assist. I don't know who said that it is better to give than to receive but one thing is for sure that they were absolutely RIGHT. Alot of times we focus on ourselves and many a times this could be a good thing as long as we stay positive, once we stir away from that ,things can become complicated and we could easily fall into that deep pity pot we all know ,and for some love. When we as human beings are placed in positions to help people we should recognize are selves in each and every person we come across. I am blessed to be in that position and it is extremely important to me to identify with the person i am trying to serve to hear and comprehend what they are trying to relay to me, to lend an ear and let them know i am not deaf. It could well be that what they are asking for might be unattainable but I'm sure that they felt a whole lot better just being able to verbalize their thoughts. Once the air has cleared then it would be simpler to manage a conversation and start building a re pore. Something we wonder why we suffer or go thru difficult situations in life and at times question the man upstairs, when in fact we should try to seek knowledge and learn from these events and use them as tools to help others. Sure some, even many might not care what you can say about one thing or another but there will always be that one person that has come your way in that perfect moment and will absorb and embrace your experiences and use your knowledge as tools to deal; how good is that! I've recently been visiting a homeless drop in center on a regular basis I go with a co-worker as part of our job duties at first I was somewhat hesitant, not because of the population I have been working with the homeless for over 16 years now, I guess that I wanted to stay in my comfort zone and wasn't up for that challenge, but thanks to my co-worker and his terrific way of seeing life in general I agreed to participate. I must say that it is a god sent. To be able to share time with people that are eager to learn how to cope, and to be accepted by them and have them trust us to a certain degree is a fulfilling thing. To see these folks express their feelings as well as their desires and goals and understand that ,that is a person ,a person with feelings and ideas and seeing that they are being able to communicate, it hits me , as it should to everyone else , we are the same. Everyone kinda wants the same things in life ,well you know the basics: 1)LOVE 2)HEALTH 3)MONEY 4)FOOD 5)SHELTER 6)FAMILY 7)FRIENDS 8)SUPPORT 9)SELF ESTEEM And so I ask myself if we are so different, how can we be so similar? I wonder if one day I'll need services, and I always think about that and how I would like to be treated when in need, again I must say that I would like to be heard and treated with dignity and respect so can it be difficult for me to do now? I think not it is my duty as it is my pleasure...

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