Tuesday, July 1, 2008


well as a 47 plus woman straight smack in the middle of MENOPAUSE sex to me is well gross. i'm not really sure when it started looking like this but its been awhile. its just that i'm not motivated and sometimes my ill thinking causes me to wonder why. i work a full time job then i do volunteer work you know the one we as women get shafted with cooking cleaning laundry well you get it and it doesn't end there the list is endless. my day starts at about 6 am and most of the time i'm up til about 10pm doing chores at that time while all thru out i've been ignored and practically invisible i'm noticed as soon as i climb into bed, why is that? it doesn't matter if i'm groomed or what my significant other (we'll call him jackson just maybe to allow myself to fantasize while i write) will turn over and start kneading my breasts or whatever he's able to grab on to. come on where were you for the past 5 hours and if you were so tired to help why are you not sound asleep? this can at times turn into an argument so i opt out to just yep just say forget it buddy!! i also must mention that its not only that it must also be this hormonal imbalance that i'm going thru because sometimes i just can't stand him and sometimes i can't stand myself i personally don't take it personal , if only he could do the same. then there's the other scenario that occurs from time to time where i guess that he just can't take it anymore and kindly tells me honey leave the chores don't worry come lay down rest, well i've rode that avenue and the last thing that i can do is rest cause he's not going to let me uh. plus i'm truly insulted because what is he really saying, hey just do double work tomorrow. so i constantly am looking for ways to avoid this thing that so greatly irritates me (sex) i'll stay up til later and wait til the snoring reaches a certain level then i can creep into bed and be as invisible as i was awhile ago,i upgraded to a king size bed thinking that those 20 inches would give me some sort of independence and of course the one that requires the most effort and i leave only for emergencies is that big plate of hot solid food you know the one that makes you real sleepy. well for now i guess that i'll just kind of ride it out and see if something gives. you know jackson is so anal that if he was to read the title he'd probably suggest that we move to the country, and you know what i'd say yes with only one condition can i go by my self

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats honest and your not alone we get all hyped pu about sex and how everybodys doing it but why

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