Tuesday, July 1, 2008


is it so that a dog is man's best friend? well i have two beautiful precious doggies at home and one thing that i can say is that they are always happy to greet me when i arrive home unlike the other people that i live with. no matter how long you stay out keep them in the yard scold them for chewing on something or worse doing pp in the middle of the living room they are willing to forgive and forget. there is something in the way that they look at me that just makes me believe that i am their world. their disposition is remarkable, they are always willing and able, no matter what time it is their there, no complaints no hassle. i remember a couple of years ago i had surgery back then i only had c.c. boy that girl stayed by my side she would lay next to me as if she was stuck to my body, if i moved she'd look to make sure things were ok i talk to my dogs, i feel that they not only listen but understand. the attentiveness that they are able to give is astounding, so i compare and analyze and come up with these conclusions: my dogs listen to me more than my children they seem to understand what is expected they provide eye contact their happy to see me home their obedient and they provide awhole lotta love as awkward as it may seem it appears that i have done a better job in raising my pets than my children. i don't understand why this journey has been so difficult...
i mean i talk to my children i provide all the basic needs that they have required, i try to support them on the positive things that they would like to accomplish, i try to set an example , i've had more patience than you know, and tolerance up the ying yang. but it all falls back to"it is what it is" and i guess that for now i can take all the love that my pets give me and feel good about that so i can focus on staying positive for my children that need me

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