Saturday, November 22, 2008


as a little girl i guess that i dreamed of getting married and having a family of my own, it would be my school sweetheart and i would have had a couple of children, a cozy home with that desired white picket fence we all dream of, we'd raise our offspring together and have our summer vacations, as we accomplished our goals we would praise each other for our successes and we'd watch our children grow up so fast that before we knew they were off on there own and then we'd start all over again experiencing the bliss of our relationship... wishful thinking or perhaps a terrible nightmare i'm not sure. yes eventually i married, had children not necessarily in that order and as for the summer vacations they were more like torture and that white picket fence was traded in for black iron bars... i understand that being in a relationship is hard work and constantly needs to be worked on. i also understand that a lot of sharing is involved but give me a break... my towel, my pjs, my perfume, my fds, yes correct the feminine deodorant spray, oh and get this my summers eve wash, yep that too... you know i can't hack that its a bit hard to swallow, i'm very picky and don't like anyone touching my stuff much less using it especially without asking. at times i smell a familiar fragrance and sure enough my husband smells like me i hate it, and as for some of my clothes don't get me wrong he's not a cross dresser it's that i wear boy shorts as underwear and seeing him having them on is appalling and when i confront him its always the same shit "i didn't realize" i wind up cutting them up and throwing them away... hey just cause i sleep with him doesn't mean that i have to share my toothbrush now does it. i've had to become a kind of fu-fu gal which i truly hate and buy stuff with flowers or worse pink, i hate pink... that has helped some what but there are other things that i just can't having him put his fork in my food yuk or drinking out of my glass so i hover over my food and of course wait until i'm done eating to grab something to drink even if i choke i don't care i just want my glass for me and thats it end of story... am i bitch? is this so much to ask for or what... well i guess that everybody that reads this blog will help me understand is this to much to ask for or am i a witch... let me know...

1 comment:

The Cool Commentator said...

Hye polly!! Are you there yet? Did you win? Have you found sanity?? I havnt been around for so long!! And to be honest, I havnt found sanity yet either!! Pop over for a catch up soon!

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