Sunday, November 30, 2008


as sad as this may sound i'm thinking that all this therapy is really not getting us very far. i understand and accept the fact that one must try to make stuff work as i also greatly understand that we can only change ourselves, for the moment i am particularly ok with who i am and where i've gotten as a person, i am very well aware that although i have a part to play in this mess i am not the primary participant,so that brings me here where i'm tired of wasting my time in these sessions when all awhile all i want is to be freed of these nearly adult children that have practically taken me to the verge of suicide or worse even giving up... i'm very sadden by this reality but my feelings are valid and one thing that i'm clear on is that i am not a masochist,i ask that i be enlighten and come to terms with whats real and have the ability to accept my children as people and disassociate there behaviors and actions with how i feel... this in turn is all in my hands and heart and as time passes i ask that i am able to forgive and forget to put aside the barriers that are now separating us for one day they will be permanent...

1 comment:

The Cool Commentator said...

Hello! Hope you are doing well and that!! Have you got to sanity yet? I know I certainly havnt, I wonder if I ever really will! But maybe that is a good thing?! Who knows!

While I am here I thought I would let you know I have FINALLY written the next installment of Jack and Stephanie, now with a new working title as well! Please come over and catch up on the story and let me know what you think!!! I am also going to be rewriting the rest of the story in the next couple of weeks!!

Hope to hear from you soon!! Keep enjoying your adventure!


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