Sunday, October 5, 2008


sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me... not true, they can: growing up we heard this and tried to believe that it was true, oh how wrong we were. words can hurt harm and can stay with you forever. they will linger in your mind and creep into your heart all without you knowing. there are so many things that surround us in this day and age, technology, global warming, economics to mention a few, that i am still surprised how people manage to find the need to gossip!!! the other day i was working in my office and to much surprise a couple of co-workers come by, their eyes were bright and you could sense the anxiety in their voices, they came by to mention the latest thing that they had discovered, much to my surprise they were talking about someone very dear to me , a person of respect and to me of much admiration... what they said could have dire consequences as the were implying that this person was having an affair with another right then and there i stood up and said i wanted no part of that conversation and that they should seek other means of entertainment... i might have hurt their feelings and truly that was not my intention but neither did i want or would have i allowed for something so hideous to continue roaming office to office without at least standing my ground. now i sit here and wonder have i done all that i can do? should i go to this person and alert them of what is going on? should i mind my own business and forget what i heard and leave it alone? will i feel guilty if one day this comes to light and hurts this person and ultimately destroy that family? knowing me i guess that i will look for the perfect moment and let this person know... i might just be doing this for the simple fact that family is sacred, and it should be protected at all cost since i struggle on a daily basis with the lack of family ties that i have and still wonder what if ...

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