Thursday, July 3, 2008


a few months ago i had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know an elderly couple; they are in there early 80s, married for about 50 plus years. almost immediately there was a bond established amongst us, it was instant. i'm not sure where that came from but i have an idea; the old fragile man reminded me of my dad, not so much physically but i guess that his serenity and vulnerability were what called my attention. i've visited them from time to time and would be fascinated by just the fact of their excitement of my visits. yesterday he had a massive stroke, i felt like i hadn't given them enough time, i'm not ready to let go; i drove to see his wife to kind of just provide some kind of moral support, she needed to run some errands so off we went she seemed distant, lost and there's not much i could do; later that evening i decided that i wanted to visit him at the hospital; i hadn't been there since my dads stay and as soon as i hit the parking lot all i could remember was dad, my dad had a stroke he passed about 18 months ago, i never had a relationship with him we were never around each other(see entry: my parents) dad managed to survive 11 plus months after his stroke; thru out this time i pledged to myself that i would make amends with my dad and establish memories that would last a life time i remember going to see him and just talking about stuff we were able to bond forgive and truly forget, the peace of making amends is practically unexplainable, it is a relief a beginning, although my beginning was at its end,the time was sufficient for the purpose that i had set out for. i let my father know that i was truly sorry for all the hurt that i caused him and i believe that he accepted my apologies, we cried and embraced ,hugged and let go. my dad died, but he did it in peace and with dignity, and even though i was not around i'm blessed that i was able to be with him at the end. today that old fragile man; the one that would remind me of dad; died may he rest in peace and may god watch over his widow

1 comment:

Ash said...

That is a touching story, your blogs are wonderful, well written, and true to the heart. I can only imagine how hard that was, but good you were able to make amends. Blessing in disguise, huh. =) Can't wait to read more from you! Thanks for visiting my blogs, hope to see you back~
Have a good 4th!


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